Second Decade + 2

Second Decade + 2
oil pastel 32x52"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

strange business

In February I accepted the position of Artist Facilitator for ArtsWORK Indiana's New Albany programming. The organization aims to assist and promote artists with various disabilities. In essence I contact the selected artist pesenters for these monthly programs and collect information for a press release as well as learning what they will need in a physical sense for the presentation itelf. During their presentation I take notes and write a report about the program and account for the audience members' evaluations.

There was a hole in the schedule and I was the program presenter for May. My topic was "My Recovery Show and Tell" , another in a series of talks about how degenerative osteo-arthritis brought my 34 year career to a screeching halt in 2004 and how after bilateral shoulder replacement surgeries in 2007 I managed to reclaim my studio skills and my career. So what was different about this talk? For the first time I brought work, more than 2 dozen pieces, to share with the audience. I thought, if  picture is worth a thousand words...

Well that part was OK. I know how to tell a story as keep an audience fairly well entertained. BUT the strange business was that I had to write up and submit a report of my own program. Yes, someone else took notes while I was speaking but she left them for me to transcribe and elaborate upon. Just seems like mighty strange business to evaluate myself.

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