Second Decade + 2

Second Decade + 2
oil pastel 32x52"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

in the beginning et al....

For years I have been curious about the chutzpuh needed to publish a collection of thoughts for anyone in the world to read. It recently occured to me that as an artist I have been doing exactly that with my artwork for over 40 years. I just employ colors as my language instead of words. But oh how I love words as well -  for their deliberate intent, their lyricism, their rhythms, their individuality. So I made the decision to simply begin this word adventure and see where it leads. Or if it ends up simply being a self-indulgent circular monologue. Once I figure out how to post images I will share artwork and discuss that on this site as well. However that currently seems overly ambitious for a technophobe like myself.

I know that one day I will have to adjust to a new "phone" that can do everything but bake a cake or do a root canal but for now I steadfastly resist text messaging, mobile TV, game playing and web access in the palm of my hand. My cell phone plan has the minimum number of minutes and I essentially carry the thing in my purse for making appointment changes or possible car emergencies. Never did have much interest in gadgets. I used to think that was a gender issue but have come to understand that seldom applies to anyone under age 50. The so called IT age seems to be entirely egalitarian. And that is a good thing but it doesn't make me want to run right out and buy all sorts of "new" gadgets.

I have this theory that there is a rampant conspiracy among inanimate objects. They are impatiently waiting to control the world as we have known it and their favored form of guerrilla warfare is attacking technology as a way of driving humans totally bonkers. Last night I was watching a perfectly charming made forTV movie. It was a piece of fluff but enjoyable fluffy entertainment when I wasn't in the mood to read Mave Binchy. First the picture began breaking up here and thee. Fifteen minutes later the sound had also broken up and the picture was looking more and more like a jigsaw puzzle. Having determined that this problem solely existed on the one station I was watching (of course) I called to cable company and reported my frustration. Fine. They needed to schedule a technician to come check out the situation tomorrow. Argh.... Then this morning I woke up and wanted to see what fascinating tidbits of news I might learn at 7am when to my horror neither CNN nor MSNBC were working. You got it... pictillations called "tiling" in cable repair language and audio completely messed up to the point where NPR was my only option. I picked up the phone to once again call my cable monopoly and complain for the 2nd time in 8 hours only to find my land line phone wasn't working either. Oh joy. As if having been drawn mysteriously downstairs I went to the computer only to find it wasn't working either. And, oh by the way, my cell phone was dead!!! As I previously mentioned, absolutely HAD to blame the world conspiracy of inanimate objects. And people wonder why my mother's generation has no use for technology!! It ain't for sissies!!!

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